K-12 Mathematics Program Review

Graduating from college with a degree in mathematics and leading reforms in mathematics education for almost 4 decades, Tom Schersten offers to review the K – 12 Math Program of your school district. The review is informed by on-site visitations for the purpose of interviewing the superintendent, school board members, building principals, data collectors, instructional coaches, classroom teachers, special education teachers, Title I teachers, paraprofessionals, math committees, parents and students, and for the opportunity to observe classroom instruction.

Fluent with the recommendations of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Common Core State Standards, Tom reviews your state and local curricula, textbooks, and testing data.

The Final Report includes recommendations of action steps to be taken concerning the curriculum, textbook selection, instructional practices, coordination of classroom instruction with the support services of Special Education and Title-I for effective Response To Intervention, middle school and high school scheduling formats, family involvement, and educational leadership.